Strategic And Tactical Agility Consulting

Navigating the transition from an emerging startup to a flourishing mid-sized powerhouse, requires a delicate equilibrium between scaling effectively and maintaining your distinct innovative spirit. I’m Robert Franklin, CSP with a rich background in leading engineering and product teams at renowned startups like WePay, Intuit, and PayPal. Specializing in steering startups during their pivotal expansion periods, I focus on streamlining scalability while ensuring the preservation of your company’s invaluable “secret sauce”. My approach is to simplify agility, empowering you to concentrate on your company’s growth while safeguarding its core values and innovation.

Practice Areas


AI Management

Strategic Integration: Leverage AI to enhance operational efficiency and drive innovation, ensuring your technology stack propels you ahead of the competition.

Workflow Optimization: Streamline AI project workflows for peak efficiency, ensuring each phase from conceptualization to deployment is optimized for success.


Portfolio Management

Prioritization Mastery: Implement frameworks that elevate critical projects, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently to drive growth.

Visibility Enhancement: Gain clear insights into project statuses and resource allocation, making informed decisions to adjust strategies swiftly.


Capacity Planning

Demand Alignment: Ensure engineering resources are perfectly aligned with business demands, avoiding overcommitment and burnout.

Agile Scaling: Adapt your capacity planning to keep pace with rapid growth, maintaining flexibility without sacrificing delivery quality.


Priority Management

Efficient Execution: Streamline work prioritization to focus on initiatives that offer the highest value, optimizing team output.

Decision Frameworks: Use proven methodologies to make transparent, strategic decisions that align with long-term objectives.


Governance Facilitation

Process Optimization: Simplify intake and governance processes to enhance efficiency while maintaining control over project scopes and outcomes.

Stakeholder Alignment: Ensure all stakeholders are on the same page, with clear communication channels and expectations management.


Innovative Workshops

Idea Generation: Facilitate brainstorming sessions that spark creativity, fostering a culture of innovation and problem-solving.

Strategic Planning: Conduct workshops aimed at aligning team efforts with quarterly and annual goals, ensuring a cohesive approach to challenges.

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